Note that currently, when friends or family send you photos they will always go onto your frames internal storage (not on the USB or SD card). If you
find that you need even more space, you can insert an SD card or USB stick into
the appropriate port on the back of the frame to move photos/videos to the
expandable storage instead, freeing up your frames internal storage.
2. Tap “Music”
Please follow the below instructions to Add photos using an SD/USB:
Add photos to
your SD/USB device
2. Insert SD/USB device into the frame
3. Go to the Frame’s Home Screen
4. Tap “Frame Photos”
5. Select the SD/USB device to see the photos on it
Tap “Select” and choose
photos to be added to the frame
7. Tap “Copy” and select “Internal Storage” to copy to the frame
Please follow the below instructions to Back up photos using an SD/USB device:
1. Insert SD/USB device into the frame
2. Go to the Frame’s Home Screen
3. Tap “Frame Photos”
4. Tap “My Frame”
Tap “Select” and
choose photos to copy